Since embarking on this wrongful conviction book project in January of 2014, A FAILURE OF JUSTICE underwent multiple revisions. One of my early drafts contained a curious older gentleman named Earl. He grew up in Nebraska, graduated from the University of Nebraska but went to prison for an underage sodomy charge. “I was busted in […]
Read MoreHave you ever wondered how writers endure hours of solitude, 1,001 rejections, a myriad of bad reviews, and even worse insecurities? The not-so-surprising answer is humor. If we didn’t laugh at this writing life, we would go crazy. So, here are some humorous dos and don’ts to lighten up the writing life and help those of you who don’t […]
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OUT NOW! Mark Ray Cromer’s CALIFORNIA TWILIGHT Unveils the Sordid Underpinnings of Illegal Immigration