We are thrilled to announce that the audiobook for GOING UNDER: Kidnapping, Murder, and a Life Undercover by former undercover agent John Madinger is now available! If you're a fan of true crime and police procedural stories, this gripping memoir will take you into the world of American crime. Madinger offers a unique perspective on the often upside-down-and-backward world of the undercover agent. You'll follow Madinger as he runs with the pack … [Read more...]
Author John Madinger On 3 Ways Hollywood Gets It Wrong About Undercover Agents
It's not surprising that undercover work is frequently misunderstood, often romanticized, usually unappreciated, and occasionally maligned. Blame Hollywood. People watch TV shows like Miami Vice or Graceland, or movies like The Departed, Fast and Furious, Training Day, or Donnie Brasco and figure that's what undercover looks like. Don't get me wrong, I think Donnie Brasco and especially The Departed are great films and very compelling. This'll … [Read more...]
Going Under by John Madinger is a Unique and Often Humorous Look at A Life Undercover I just want to make sure I've got this right. You hanged all three of them?" That's how it began, a case where the cops are crooks and the crooks are cops, a kidnapping where the victim is the bad guy, and the good guys must cross some lines to get him back. Welcome to the upside-down and backward world of the undercover agent, where nothing is as it seems, … [Read more...]
John Madinger
WildBlue Press Author I joined the drug war in 1974 as a sheriff's deputy, then served as a narcotics agent, supervisor, and administrator and a special agent/criminal investigator with the U.S. Department of the Treasury before hitting mandatory retirement age in 2010. I spent fifteen years of that time in undercover assignments from Florida to Honolulu and worked major fraud and money laundering cases, becoming one of the country's leading … [Read more...]