The Updated eBook-only Version of Edgar Award Winning Author’s Shocking Story of Murder and Brutality
” … where for the first time an FBI profiler was allowed to testify and the controversial, pre-DNA science of allotyping was presented to a jury.”

Nancy Newman and her two girls, Melissa and Angie.
On March 15th, 1987 police in Anchorage, Alaska arrived at a horrific scene of carnage. In a modest downtown apartment, they found Nancy Newman’s brutally beaten corpse sprawled across her bed. In other rooms were the bodies of her eight-year-old daughter, Melissa, and her three-year-old, Angie, whose throat was slit from ear to ear. Both Nancy and Melissa had been sexually assaulted.

Kirby Anthoney acted as his own lawyer in his murder trial
After an intense investigation, the police narrowed the principle suspect down to 23-year-old Kirby Anthoney was a troubled drifter who had turned to his uncle, Nancy’s husband John, for help and a place to stay. Little did John know that the nephew he took in was a murderous sociopath capable of slaughtering his beloved family.
This true story, shocking and tragic, stunned Anchorage’s residents and motivated the Major Crimes Unit of the Anchorage Police Department to do everything right in their investigation. Feeling the heat as the police built their case, Kirby bolted for the Canadian border. But the cops were on to him.
First they hunted him down. Then the cops and a tenacious prosecutor began their long, bitter battle to convict him up against an equally tough defense lawyer, as well as the egomaniacal defendant himself. This shocking tale reached its climax in a controversial trial where for the first time an FBI profiler was allowed to testify and the controversial, pre-DNA science of allotyping was presented to a jury. But justice would not be served until after the psychopathic Kirby Anthoney took the stand in his own defense – and showed the world the monster he truly was.
MURDER IN THE FAMILY became an instant New York Times Bestseller when it was first released in 2000. Barer has updated the eBook version of this classic true crime tale of horror.
From the author: The viscous killer wasn’t some creepy stranger. He was a creepy family member. Kirby D. Anthoney raped and murdered his own aunt and her two little girls in a violent frenzy of unspeakable perversity. How Anchorage detectives, aided by FBI Profiler Judson Ray, narrowed the suspect list down to one young man and finally brought Kirby D., Anthoney to justice is a intense story of gut-wrenching drama. But in the end we must not forget the victims. Writing this book was a deeply emotional experience, and their were tears on the keyboard on more than one occasion.
Here’s An Episode From Forensic Files On The Newman Murders
What Other’s Are Saying About MURDER IN THE FAMILY:
“A while ago I read this book after living through this horrific tragedy first hand. In my intitial rating of this book I did not give it a very good rating. I would like to revise it at this time. After giving more thought to this, I realize that the author was just telling the story and not making judgement or light of the incident. Therefore, I would like to let him know it was very well written and thank him for keeping my family members ‘real people.'”–Shayleen Eastman, Five-Star Review
I have now read more than half of the book.
Unbelievable that this has happened in one of the nicests parts of the World.
This Anthoney guy could have had such a terrific life in Alaska with a such very nice goodlooking girlfriend (Debbie Heck) but instead he decided to destroy it all and many more lifes as well.
An absolute psychopath !
Also John Newman had a very good life there with his three women until he encountered Anthoney.
It doesn’t matter what penalty Anthoney has gotten, the massive damage can’t be and will never be undone.
But thankfully he will never be on the loose again.
I sure hope John Newman has got at least of his life back.
Having also a wife and two (adult) daughters (33 and 20) I’d much rather NOT think about it !
They are the most precious and important things in my life !