Writing STEALING MANHATTAN fulfills any true crime writer's dream, capturing an exclusive account of one of the greatest crime stories of the 20th Century. Having access to information, confessions, and first-person recollections long withheld from public knowledge is a spectacular thrill. While I realize that STEALING MANHATTAN isn't destined to have the potential socio-political impact of the recent discovery of Muhammad's actual covenants … [Read more...]
Author and Artist Punch Stanimirovic
The artist known as Punch first gained fame as the world's greatest safe cracker who could punch open a safe in under sixteen seconds. He was also a master forger, vandal "aerosol artist" whose legendary street art inspired Sean Sullivan, aka Layercakeny, and the youngest and highest-ranking member of what the FBI first termed the YACS, now known as the Pink Panthers. He served sixteen years in prison, where his artistic talent made him an … [Read more...]