At WILDBLUE PRESS, we're a true-crime book publishing firm like nobody else. Why? Because we consider your input essential in our most vital work. It's a known fact that many readers of all shapes and sizes make a decision whether to buy a book based on the title and based on the cover. Over the past week, we've received hundreds of comments from TC readers all over North America as we posted several different dummy designs of … [Read more...]
RJ Parker Calls VAMPIRE A “Must Have”
"The Richard Chase Murders by veteran true crime writer and historian Kevin Sullivan is fraught with emotion and detail. I always admire an author who dedicates their project to the victims, and tells about who they were and not just the crime against them. This is a well-written book that was researched in person and facts gleaned from key players during and after the Chase murders. A must have book for all true crime enthusiasts … [Read more...]