Updated and Revised!
A WildBlue Press Business Original By Michael Cordova
Tools make a job easier. Great tools make a difficult job simple.
The perfect tool improves so much on the expected final result that the problem at hand itself is not only solved, but it has taken the solution in completely new and unexpected directions. It not only improves dramatically on the original problem at hand, but it creates a whole new benefit outcome that opens completely new horizons.
Many of the tools described in this eBook do as much.
Many of the tools presented will just make your life easier. They ensure that your job gets done right. Many of the tools will triple your efficiency, and some will increase it by more than twenty times.
Many of the tools will completely change your business productivity, workflow and life itself like they did mine. You’ll get a lot more done, and you’ll become the best at what you do by using these tools.
These tools will make you work a lot smarter as well. You’ll get more done in the time allotted to your work and be much more organized.
I build websites with the most state-of-the-art tools available today – and they cost me nothing! I have safeguarded my website by doing off-site backups using free tools and setup advertising using a cheap, painless and comprehensive ad manager. All of my own and my client’s websites are monitored every 5 minutes to ensure they are up using a free tool. If they go down I am notified via text and email.
I have created custom database software applications in 1/20th of the time that it used to take me before I found the right tool. This tool does not require an understanding of software development (although it helps if you really want to get custom functionality).
There are tools in this eBook that allow you to automate actions across all of your social media, email and text messages.
You can perform a detailed comprehensive competitive analysis using online intelligence and tools, and learn how to write a winning business plan. Think about it. Would you shoot an arrow before aiming at a target? There is a lot more riding on the shot you take for your business, so use these tools to make sure you are aligned with a target that will make you the winner over your competitors now. I can’t emphasize this enough. If you don’t do it today, then you’ll be scrambling to do it later, and maybe when it’s too late.
All of this can happen only if you simply take action to get the tools and make use of them. Most are free, and the rest cost very little. The benefit in all cases is huge. I spend a lot less time doing the things I have to do, allowing me to get more done every day.
You must act on this information. Start today, now.
From Reader Reviews:
“Every craftsman knows that having the right tools for the job makes all the difference. In this case the tools are related to running a profitable online business. Some of the tools will be familiar, but I was surprised at how many I had never heard of; tools that will make your job easier, so you can spend time on more important matters.” – Poets Logic
“Clear and Concise Information for Serious Productivity
I bought this book earlier today and I am already exploring some of the tools recommended. The information is presented in a logical format, which makes this an easy-to-use reference book. I can’t wait to put the rest of these tools to work.” – M. Brooks
“A well-annotated resource list that will appeal to many
I’m not a programmer, web developer, or small business owner, but I still found some potentially helpful tools worth checking out. There are even a couple I’m already using.
This book is worth the $3 just for the productivity tools. If you’re a business owner, this book could save/make you a ton of extra cash, and is definitely worth the money. If you spend your days with your nose buried in lines of code, this book could save you a ton of time, and is worth picking up.
Thanks for putting this well-annotated resource list together, Mr. Cordova!” – Nick Duffel