Lost Boys, Dark Secrets: The Riveting True Crime Story of a Five-Year Investigation In the tranquil towns of New England during the 1970s, a sinister mystery unfolded when several boys vanished without a trace, and the community's peace was shattered. One boy's body was found years later, but what happened to the others remained a mystery. In 2013, author David McGrath, a former host on the Law Enforcement Today Network and an investigator with … [Read more...]
On Childhood Abuse & Searching for Answers
By David McGrath, Author of Obsessed Validation. I was searching for that when I decided to undertake the project of telling a coherent story regarding the most dangerous era in history for children. Some intrusive thoughts come to my head about wanting to burn the whole thing down. Expose it all. I suffered a lot of sexual abuse at the hands of my mother's revolving door of boyfriends. It was mostly for ages 8-12. 1992- to say early 1996. When … [Read more...]