Steve Jackson, author of the SAVING ANNIE series, has written several true crime books. Several of Steve Jackson's books have been New York Times bestsellers, including MONSTER, and NO STONE UNTURNED. Some have been national bestsellers on other lists, such as ROUGH TRADE and SMOOTH TALKER. Author of THE CASE OF THE GOLDEN STATE KILLER, Michael Morford, has been featured and interviewed on numerous publications such as the Generation Why … [Read more...]
HEADLOCK Q&A: Burl Barer answers questions about his Private Eye novel
In anticipation of the re-release of his acclaimed novel HEADLOcK, Burl Barer has taken the liberty of answering some of our burning questions about the intersections between fact and fiction in this PI mystery. Q: This is fiction, but there are real people in it. Please explain. A: The real people only seem to be real. They are pretending to be real. This is a fiction story with elements of truth, You know, like Peter Rabbit or Genesis. … [Read more...]