In HIDDEN DEMONS: Evil Visits A Small New England Town by Margery B. Metzger, a chilling true crime narrative unfolds against the serene backdrop of the Berkshire Hills on an ordinary winter day in 1994. The book delves deep into a series of seemingly unrelated yet horrifying events that shook the idyllic New England towns, revealing the sinister presence of a savage serial killer, Lewis Lent, Jr., lurking in the shadows. A review of HIDDEN … [Read more...]
GOING UNDER and THE TUSKEGEE STRANGER are Finalists for the 17th Annual Killer Nashville Silver Falchion Award!
We are thrilled to announce that two WildBlue Press titles are finalists for Killer Falchion Award! John Madinger's award-winning collection of short stories, GOING UNDER and Linda Lou Long's gripping true crime, THE TUSKEGEE STRANGLER are among the finalists in the Best Nonfiction category for 2023 are. Both authors have created compelling narratives offering unique perspectives on crime. GOING UNDER: Kidnapping, Murder, and A Life Undercover by … [Read more...]