Author of TRUE CRIME CHRONICLES: Volumes One and Two recieves high praise for upcoming book Frank Sinatra and the Mafia Murders, releasing September 15, 2022
Frank Sinatra and the Mafia Murders is another meticulously researched book from Douglas Thompson and Mike Rothmiller, whose previous book on the murder of Marilyn Monroe is one of the best True Crime books I've read... A fascinating read, and an insight into places and people in American history. —Dave B., Reviewer
Whew! This one’s exciting! I read it in a flash. Highly readable and interesting... For those interested in the Kennedy’s, Lana Turner, Sammy Davis, Jr., Ava Gardner, Marilyn Monroe…(the list goes on and on!), you’ll find plenty to drop your jaw. There’s a lot of interesting stories about most everyone in Mr. Sinatra’s circle. —Nora M., Librarian
About The Author

Mike Rothmiller is a New York Times Bestselling author, historian, a former cop, and an Army medic. He's a former TV Reporter, an award-winning documentary television producer, and television host for ESPN, PBS, and other international television markets. His Non-fiction book, My Hero, Military, Kids Write About Their Moms and Dads (St. Martin's Press) received international acclaim and is the only book to have forwards written by three living Presidents and General Norman Schwarzkopf. Additionally, he's been a corporate President/CEO and directed three divisions of Sony Electronics EMCS-America, and he briefed the President of the United States.
Readers of his books include; three Presidents, former First Lady Laura Bush, the late Charlton Heston, and Queen Elizabeth II. Media have interviewed him from 25 countries, and he's quoted in numerous books and magazines.
Mr. Rothmiller,
I am a retired NYPD detective turned author and enjoy your work. I provide weekly police content for two nationally syndicated radio shows in New York City and Philadelphia. The host Walter Sterling has asked me to contact you about coming to his show to discuss your new book. Speaking from experience, Mr. Sterling is pro-law enforcement, and his show is an excellent platform to discuss your new book. Listed below is Mr. Sterling’s email address and his show’s website. Have a wonderful 4th of July, and hopefully, we will get to speak to you soon. Vic Ferrari
I sent an email.
Mke – I’d like you to join us on our podcast to discuss your book and other related matters.
Hi Mike- I’m down in Phoenix and really enjoyed “Bombshell” and would like to talk to ask you a few questions by email about this fascinating subject. Any chance I could get in touch with you?
Prescott is nice by the way, I get up there occasionally.
Mike- please reach me regarding a possible interview. Thank you!