Lost Boys, Dark Secrets: The Riveting True Crime Story of a Five-Year Investigation In the tranquil towns of New England during the 1970s, a sinister mystery unfolded when several boys vanished without a trace, and the community's peace was shattered. One boy's body was found years later, but what happened to the others remained a mystery. In 2013, author David McGrath, a former host on the Law Enforcement Today Network and an investigator with … [Read more...]
Authors Blaine Pardoe and Victoria Hester Discuss the Chilling Legacy of Alan Wade Wilmer, Sr. and the Colonial Parkway Murders
Earlier this week, the Virginia State Police announced that they identified the person responsible for the murders of two of the 1987 Colonial Parkway Murders: David Knobling and Robin Edwards. The killer was Alan Wade Wilmer, Sr. He was also responsible for the 1989 murder of Teresa Lynn Howell. Wilmer was linked to these crimes by DNA evidence. Wilmer died in 2017, evading justice for his actions. The Colonial Parkway Murders were in the … [Read more...]
Susan Hall’s THE WORLD ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SERIAL KILLERS Volume 4 (T–Z) is now Available as an Audiobook, Narrated by Angela L. Claxton!
The World Encyclopedia of Serial Killers is the most comprehensive set of its kind. Crafted and curated by Susan Hall, this four-volume compendium boasts an impressive collection of over 1600 entries, chronicling the dark histories of serial killers from around the globe. Listen Now! Volume One: A-D | Volume Two: E-L | Volume Three: M-S | Volume Four: T-Z Defined by the FBI as a person who murders three or more people over a period of time with … [Read more...]