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We often meet our destiny on the road we take to avoid it. Eve Gardner was seventeen when she ran away from home. She bought a bus ticket to California, a place as far away from her parents as a road could take her. In less than a month, she had a … [More...]
On a cold afternoon in February 1991, a frightening new drug hit the streets of New York City, a synthetic narcotic marketed in packets labeled "Tango & Cash." As police scrambled to warn heroin users of the danger, the overdose victims … [More...]
Never again could anyone say, "It will never happen here." Because it did. October 25, 2023 was just an ordinary night in Lewiston, a small, working class city of 37,000 in central Maine. Friends and families had gathered to do what they … [More...]
In 1978, the bloody conflict in Northern Ireland, known as The Troubles, reached a boiling point. An enthralling work of history told with intelligence and urgency." -Kirkus Reviews, November 2023 Gripping, well-researched, authentic, and … [More...]
At the cusp of the Post-American Age... In CALIFORNIA TWILIGHT: Essays and Memories of The End of The Golden State, journalist and author Mark Cromer makes his case that decades of political malfeasance and journalistic corruption of the American … [More...]
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Bebskie says
Why are these criminals still alive? The death sentence should have been carried out long time ago. “Justice delayed is justice denied.”
Brooke says
Stop calling Skylar a woman. He is a dangerous criminal that is using the mental disability of gender dysphoria to his advantage. Next he’ll be moved to a women’s facility. The fact that he is even allowed to live his life like this is sick. He should be killed. And JFK’s attorney’s are despicable, using race baiting as a form of defense. They should all be killed. Alonso should not be released and if he is, he should not be allowed to live a comfortable life. If I were the children of Tom and Jackie, I’d find him and drown him at sea.
Rachel says
I believe Mr. Skylar Deleon is using this to live with females so he is not roughed up by stronger males in the male prison and to get away from the prison from time to time. It still does not change the fact that he is a cold-blooded murderer. Instead of focusing on gender he should focus on repentance for his sins, ask Jesus to forgive him and start a relationship with God. It’s not too late while he is alive to seek eternal salvation.
Rick O'Brien says
These three individuals (I refuse to call them people) are the definition of “cold blooded murderers “. I can’t even imagine the terror the Hawkes went through in their final moments . Putting the ring leader in a female prison would be a crime in itself .Let the other convicts have their fun…California goes way too far out of the way to protect criminals that deserve none . Child molesters ,and former cops should be put into general population , just like any other criminal , including crooked politicians .
Rye says
Well, everyone saying Skylar changed his gender to not get roughed up by other inmates is ignorant of how death row works. When a inmate is on death row, they do not have contact with other inmates, period. They are locked down in one cell by themselves for 23 hours a day, they get 1 hour for recreation and phone use, and it’s chopped up in 30 minute intervals per day, not all at once. 2 days a week they shower, once again in a one man shower cell. They have very little contact even with the guards, they are in close custody status because they are dangerous. The closest they come to another inmate is talking to another one thru the vents of a adjacent cell, or sending ‘kites’ thru a fishing line underneath the cell door to another cell using string, sort of like fishing, they trade notes or magazines. That’s about the extent of any contact with another human being they have.
Msu says
It is beyond me why would anyone be against death penalty. Leftist are truly cancer to this world.
Me says
You’re quite the dramatic one.