Author Jim Duke Kissing Ass
Dropping out of high school to pursue the life of a cowboy in Texas, Jim Duke eventually bullshitted his way into college and attended University of Wyoming and University of Texas before finally earning a BS in Zoology and MS in Range Science on Mountain Goat Habitat in Alaska, both from Colorado State University.
His taste for the wild has taken him to the upper Amazon, Patagonia, Madagascar, and mountain biking across Tibet.
Largely unemployable, he works on an ‘as tolerated’ basis mostly dealing with equines and compost. His only professional writing experience came from a brief employment with the Roaring Fork Weekly Journal writing a column called “Kiss My Ass.”
His critters have always been his most reliable support group leading him through life. There are few problems Duke can’t outrun on a fast mule. His rollicking debut, DANCES WITH DONKEYS: The Memoir Of A Half-Assed Cowboy will be released soon.
Jim Duke Shares a Thanksgiving Day Bloodshed Story
It promised to be one of the most beautiful Thanksgiving Days possible. There had been an early, heavy snowfall followed by a cold snap, preserving the snow and freezing local ponds in crystal clear glass ice free of snow. A holiday skater’s dream! The Colorado contingent of our family had congregated at my sister Cathy’s […]
Post Two of Two, Jim Duke’s “Mom Comes Back Home” is Heartfelt and Reflective
Mom Comes Back Home The last time I was in D.C. was shortly after mom had broken her hip and had moved into assisted living while recovering and rehabilitating. My sister, Sally, had long since moved to D.C. with her new job as Deputy Director of the US Forest Service. She had a huge, fancy […]
Post One of Two, Jim Duke’s “Mom Runs Away From Home” Introduces Fans to His Independent Mother
Mom Runs Away Sometime in her early seventies, my mom ran away from home. She’d been living in a downstairs apartment at one of my sisters’ homes in Boulder, Colorado, helping to raise two grandchildren while their parents were busy practicing law. It seemed to dawn on her rather suddenly that she had enjoyed plenty […]
Saddle Up for an Adventure with Jim Duke’s DANCES WITH DONKEYS, the Memoir of a Half-Assed Cowboy
“I ALWAYS WANTED TO BE A COWBOY” Journey through the dusty plains of Texas and the rugged mountains of Colorado in Jim Duke’s debut, DANCES WITH DONKEYS: The Memoir Of A Half-assed Cowboy-the often hilarious, occasionally poignant, sometimes hair-raising, and always entertaining tales of a man who dropped out of high school and took off […]
“Space Cowboy” | Exploring Psychedelics, Self-Discovery, and the Philosophy of Existence with Jim Duke
My choice of coursework through college was even more random and wandering than the rest of my life. If I followed any sort of pattern at all, it would have been the alphabetical order of the class syllabus catalog, which might explain why I finally wound up with a degree in Zoology. I spent a […]
Won’t You Be My Neighbear?
We have a bear for a neighbor. Well, actually four bears, a sow and three cubs. Their den is on our property. Well, actually their property from the perspective of a bear. And I certainly wouldn’t argue with them even if I disagreed, which I don’t. I’m beginning to believe less and less in the […]
Gallery | DANCES WITH DONKEYS: The Memoir of a Half-ass Cowboy by Jim Duke
This photo gallery takes you on a visual journey through Duke’s adventures and misadventures, showcasing the profound bond that can be formed between humans and these intelligent creatures. From heartwarming moments of connection to hilarious escapades, each photo tells a story that will entertain and inspire you. PHOTOGRAPHS FROM THE BOOK ADDITIONAL PHOTOGRAPHS
A Bad-ass at Burrofest: Jim Duke’s Tale of Ass-envy, Liability, and Unintended Infamy
Is it possible to get kicked out of a Burrofest for being a jackass? I think that’s what happened to me last weekend in Mancos. I’m really not sure why I got kicked out, but I prefer to think that it was because I was being a badass of some sort. I was told I […]
So much fun to read his stories! He can tell a tale for sure.
Thank you so much! You are my very first feedback and it means
a lot to me.
I’m fairly techno challenged and just realized that you are an author which makes your comments all the more valued. BTW, My mother’s maiden name was June Morgan. I’ll be tracking down your books! Thanks again, Jim
We would like to invite the badass of BurroFest to our burro event.