On Christmas Night 1996, six-year-old JonBenet Ramsey was murdered in her family's home in Boulder, Colorado. A ransom note was found in the home, but it was hours before her father, John, found her body in the basement. She had been strangled with a garrote and her skull was fractured. The media sensationalized the tragic death of the "child beauty queen" and public speculation and rumors ran rampant. What followed was one of the most … [Read more...]
GOING UNDER and THE TUSKEGEE STRANGLER are Finalists for the 17th Annual Killer Nashville Silver Falchion Award!
We are thrilled to announce that two WildBlue Press titles are finalists for Killer Falchion Award! John Madinger's award-winning collection of short stories, GOING UNDER and Linda Lou Long's gripping true crime, THE TUSKEGEE STRANGLER are among the finalists in the Best Nonfiction category for 2023 are. Both authors have created compelling narratives offering unique perspectives on crime. GOING UNDER: Kidnapping, Murder, and A Life Undercover by … [Read more...]
Introducing the highly-anticipated audiobook LOU AND JONBENÉT, narrated by the renowned Stephen Bowlby
Out Now! The audiobook version of LOU AND JONBENÉT is now available on sale. John Wesley Anderson's work sheds light on the notorious unsolved murder investigation of six-year-old JonBenét Ramsey, which took place on Christmas Night 1996 in Boulder, Colorado. Despite extensive police investigations and media speculation, the killer remains unknown to this day. Initially, Boulder police focused on JonBenét's parents as suspects, but legendary … [Read more...]
Gallery | DEATH BY TALONS: Did An Owl ‘Murder’ Kathleen Peterson? by Tiddy Smith
DEATH BY TALONS: Did An Owl 'Murder' Kathleen Peterson goes beyond the theories and speculations and uncovers the shocking conspiracy surrounding the infamous "Staircase" investigation. In this photo gallery, find the color versions of black and white images contained in the paperback and hardcover copies of the book. CONTENT WARNING The following gallery contains graphic crime scene images and is intended for a … [Read more...]
Author Tiddy Smith Discusses Police Misconduct in Durham
The city of Durham in North Carolina had a serious problem with police misconduct at the beginning of the 21st century. The most famous example was the so-called "Duke Lacrosse" case, which gained worldwide attention. In this case, a young Black woman accused three Duke University students, lacrosse players, of having committed a brutal, racially-motivated gang rape upon her. The woman's story about what had happened on the night in question … [Read more...]
A Fatal Owl Attack Has At Least One Historical Precedent, Says Author Tiddy Smith
Kathlee Peterson, Durham, North Carolina, media attention, news, Jean-Xavier de Lestrade, The Staircase, Netflix, Michael Peterson, Larry Pollard, owl attack, owl theory, Robert Schmidt, killed by an owl, forensics, investigation, animal attack A Fatal Owl Attack Has At Least One Historical Precedent, Says Author Tiddy Smith Kathlee Peterson, Durham, North Carolina, media attention, news, Jean-Xavier de Lestrade, The Staircase, Netflix, … [Read more...]
Gallery From Lou Smit’s Investigation | LOU AND JONBENÉT: A Legendary Lawman’s Quest To Solve A Child Beauty Queen’s Murder by John Wesley Anderson
EXCLUSIVE SLIDES USED IN THE INVESTIGATION Excerpts from Lou Smit's slideshow presentation are being published with the consent of his family and released for the first time. The slides are being made available with the knowledge and consent of JonBenét Ramsey's family in the hopes of bringing her killer to justice. CONTENT WARNING: The following materials contain graphic images of violence and abuse against a child and are intended for a … [Read more...]
Sylvester Stallone Calls Making HUNTER “Unfinished Business” and IMDb Lists Filming as in “Pre-Production”
Recently, fans of Sylvester Stallone speculated in a Facebook group dedicated to the Italian Stallion whether his popular TV show, Tulsa King, would return for a second season. However, Stallone has other projects he is more interested in pursuing, such as a film adaptation of James Byron Huggins' 2018 release, HUNTER. Stallone has already put HUNTER into pre-production and discussed the project further in a December 2022 interview with … [Read more...]
John Wesley Anderson Blog
In Full Review, The Jerusalem Post Urges Readers To Set Aside A Few Hours For Levison’s A NEST OF SNAKES
Put aside a few hours to read this novel - like a snake that traps its prey, it will seize your imagination until you turn the final page. -LAUREN ADILEV, The Jerusalem Post In her review, Adilev reacts to Deborarh Levison's recent thriller A NEST OF SNAKES, calling it a reflection on "what happens in a society where kids are merely accessories" and "exquisitely written." Read or listen to the full review. The book is about a man, suffering … [Read more...]